DMU and the SDGs
DMU’s refreshed strategic plan in 2018 puts the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the heart of the university’s activities.
The 17 goals for 2030 seek to achieve transformative social and environmental changes for the benefit of people and the planet, aiming for example to eliminate poverty and hunger, address climate change, achieve gender equality and enhance biodiversity on land and at sea. The university is using these goals as a lens to inform and develop our teaching, research and other activities.
DMU is also playing a leading role in a range of United Nations programmes linked to the SDGs, including the JoinTogether network, the UN Academic Impact programme and via several student visits to the UN headquarters in New York. DMU is one of 17 universities worldwide to be named as a Global Hub for one of the goals – DMU is a Global Hub for #SDG16, which addresses Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.
As for many universities, this focus is in response to support from our students. In a recent survey conducted by the National Union of Students, 82% of DMU students were supportive of sustainable development issues being embedded in taught courses.
Our learning, teaching and assessment strategy reflects this focus, highlighting the importance of responding to the challenges of sustainability and sustainable development, and seeking opportunities to contribute to this agenda both locally and globally.
“We will equip students and staff with an understanding of the challenges of sustainability and sustainable development, and will approach learning, teaching and assessment mindful of the opportunities to contribute locally and globally to the public good and environmental futures as well as of our impact on a resource-limited world.” DMU Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy, 2018