Make a difference to sustainability this year at DMU – become a Sustainability Advocate. As an Advocate, your role is to be a champion at DMU for issues you feel passionate about, whether this is climate action, social justice, caring for nature or otherwise. Through the scheme you will be supported to Learn, Network, Contribute and get Recognition for your efforts.

How it works: Sign-up to express interest in taking part by completing the form below or by emailing with your name and P-Number. You will receive the Sustainability Advocates Welcome Guide and join the online network with other advocates – enabling you to send and receive messages within the network and hear from the sustainability team about learning and contribution opportunities throughout the year. At the end of the year Sustainability Advocates who have taken part in at least one Learning activity and one Contribution activity (1hr minimum total) can submit a short Reflection on their experiences and get recognition through a DMU award and on the HEAR Certificate.

For more information, please read the following guide: Sustainability Advocates Guide 2023-24

If you wish to sign up, please fill in the following form: Sustainability Advocates Signup Form

Join our upcoming Sustainability Advocates sessions:

  • Wednesday 29th Nov (2-3pm): Sustainability & SDGs Intro – Taking Action at DMU
    • Visit here for more information 
  • Wednesday 6th Dec (1-2pm): Sustainable Lifestyle Choices’ – making a difference and helping others to do the same
    • Visit here for more information

*Sustainability Advocates Training Sessions 2023/24*

Training sessions will be announced soon!

Video Introduction (6 mins)

CLICK HERE or below to see a short video introduction to the scheme.

The Four Things you do as a Sustainability Advocate…

LEARN: You will be able to join short courses developed for the Sustainability Advocate network, including: * Introducing Sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) * Supporting Sustainable Lifestyle Choices * Carbon Literacy Introduction * You will also be the first to hear about other learning opportunities at DMU such as Carbon Literacy Training and be able to recommend or co-organise learning opportunities with other Advocates.

NETWORK: Meet and work with others at DMU who share your passion for Sustainability. The network will host welcome meetings and an end-of-year celebration. Through an online forum, Advocates can share ideas for project and activities and discuss sustainability issues.

CONTRIBUTE: Join or organise a range of activities to make a difference. These include being a Green Impact Student Ambassador; volunteering with DMULocal or De Montfort Students Union; applying for a Seed Grant to run a project or event at DMU. Advocates will also be supported to hold DMU to account on sustainability – feeding back on how it is addressed in your course or university operations.

GET RECOGNITION: Advocates who take part in at least one Learning activity and one Contribution activity (1 hrs minimum participation over the year) and submit a short reflection on their learning will have their efforts recognised through a DMU Award and on the HEAR Certificate. We will celebrate achievements of the network at a celebration event at the end of the 23/24 academic year.