Take action on sustainable development with funding from The SeeD Grant

Call for 2024/25 is now happening!

​​The SeeD Grant project is designed to help the DMU community take action on sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

The grants are for situations where a little money and support can get a project started. Projects led by staff, students and alumni are eligible for funding. Activities can take place at DMU or in the wider community.

A total of £3500 is available in 2024/25 for sustainability related projects and initiatives and the maximum application is for £1000. This will be distributed into two rounds of funding.

Please submit your applications before the deadlines on:

Round 1 applications: 11:59am on Friday 6th December 2024;

Round 2 applications: 11:59am on Friday 24th January 2025.

Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss their ideas with DMU’s sustainability team in advance (see Guidance) to get feedback. The form below can be used for initial enquiries, or applicants can email sustainability@dmu.ac.uk. 

We aim to prioritise funding new projects and applicants over projects previously funded by the SeeD grants.

Applications should use the application form which can be downloaded below. Completed application forms should be emailed to sustainability@dmu.ac.uk 


SeeD Grant Documents

To find out more and make a future application, download the guidance and the application form below:

SeeD Grants 24/25 Guidance and SeeD Grants Application Forms (both attached below)

DMU students and staff can use Sensus Access to convert the above files if they are inaccessible to you in Word or PDF format.

SeeD Grant 2024- 25 Application Guidance

SeeD Grant 2024-25 Application Form

Past SeeD Grant Winners 

Several projects have been successful as a result of the SeeD Grant. Click here to see the projects. 

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