This research project aims to gather views from DMU students on a proposed new standalone course on sustainability issues. The project will seek to identify students’ views on what this course should address and how it should be delivered. The findings will be used to help develop the proposed future course.

The project will collect data through an online survey and focus groups.

Participation in research project is entirely voluntary.

Any information provided is confidential, except that anonymised quotes may be used. If you request confidentiality, beyond anonymised quotes, information you provide will be treated only as a source of background information.

Your name or any other personal identifying information will not appear in any publications resulting from this project. Respondents will only be referred to through their role and their DMU Faculty/School. Any demographic information collected (e.g. gender; ethnicity; international/home student) will be used only to analyse the representativeness of the respondents as a whole, not linked to analysis of individual responses.  

The information gained will only be used for the above objectives, will not be used for any other purpose and will not be recorded in excess of what is required for the project.

Even though the study findings may be published externally (e.g. in international conferences and journals), only relevant researchers will have access to the survey data itself. These researchers will be bound by the principles outlined above. There are no known or anticipated risks to you as a participant in this study.

If you have any questions regarding this study or would like additional information please contact Dr Andrew Reeves (

By participating in this research project you indicate that you understand its purpose and consent to the use of the data as indicated above.