Author Ella Kettle

Student experience at the EAUC (Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges) Conference

Hi, I’m Emily, a current Business Management student at De Montfort University. Recently, I had the opportunity to attend the EAUC Conference in Winchester. The EAUC (Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges) Conference is a leading event focused on sustainability within… Continue Reading →

My experience at the 2024 Student Sustainability Summit!

Hello, my name is Adam, a current masters student and soon to be part of the international sustainability team at DMU. I had the exciting opportunity to go to the sustainability summit in Lancaster on the 29th May 2024. The… Continue Reading →

Case Study: Fairness and Bias Mitigation in ML models (Bangli Liu & Eufrásio Lima Neto)

This case study by Bangli Liu and Eufrásio Lima Neto (Module leader and lecturer, respectively, for Big Data Applications – CSIP5203) provides an overview of a seminar students engaged in on fairness and bias mitigation in ML models. Discussion was… Continue Reading →

Case Study: Exploring racism with the Stephen Lawrence Research Centre (Lisa Evans-Massey)

This case study by Lisa Evans-Massey the Programme Lead for Low Intensity Psychological Interventions and Module Lead for ‘Values, Diversity and Context’ provides an overview of the opportunity students had to engage with the Stephen Lawrence Research Centre to explore… Continue Reading →

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