The introductory online session will introduce the concept of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and its relevance and application at DMU.

Time: 9.30am to 11am, Thursday 23rd July 2020

REGISTER: Go to, select “My Development” and search for “sustainable”

Further details

This interactive workshop session will introduce key concepts within Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and provide a space to reflect upon the role of personal and professional values in creating learning experiences that inspire and enable students to make a difference to global society in their future lives and careers.

The session will use case studies in a problem-based learning approach to support staff in finding innovative ways to address sustainability in their approaches to learning, teaching and assessment. The session will highlight and discuss the values and worldviews that drive sustainability, including care for nature, social justice, fairness, equality and more.

In terms of intended learning outcomes, participants will:

  1. Be able to articulate the purpose, principles and pedagogy of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD),
  2. Discuss the implications of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the Earth Charter for higher education learning and teaching
  3. Explore how ESD can be applied within their own teaching and learning context and discipline
  4. Be aware of DMU examples of ESD practice, and of support, course design toolkits and resources to support implementation of ESD

REGISTER: Go to, select “My Development” and search for “sustainable”