Hello, I am Olivia, and I am studying interior design here at DMU. I am this year’s Sustainability Communications Frontrunner. I am extremely excited to be getting involved with planning and posting on the DMU sustainability social media to bring awareness to those that are interested in learning how to have a positive impact on the environment and what they can do to achieve this. I am also looking forward to promoting sustainability on campus and creating campaigns and promotional events with the sustainability team that individuals can get involved with!

I applied for this role to be the Sustainability Communications Frontrunner because I have a keen interest in how we can use our power to benefit the environment through our smart decisions and I want to learn more about how I could do this and get more involved. As I am doing a design-based subject I also wanted to learn more about how design can be driven by sustainability.

My dream once I finish my degree would be to start my own interior design company. Through this I would implement all that I have learned through this Frontrunner position and influence my clients in better, sustainable decisions. Being more aware of products that we buy and what it takes to get them is extremely important as this can influence our final decision and make a substantial difference if we choose smartly. “Good design is sustainable design” – Imran Amed.

The goal I have set myself to complete by the end of this Frontrunner position is to learn a new or unique way to be sustainable every other week and implement it into my everyday life and carry on this tradition to play my role in being sustainable and inspire others to do so.

Anyone can be sustainable. All you need is the determination and passion to set yourself fundamental goals in which you want to carry out. Be the one to contribute to change even if it is something small, everything counts!