The current two-page guide for DMU staff on what addressing sustainability in the curriculum entails and how to go about doing so can be downloaded here:

ESD Staff Briefing Sheet May 2023 (Word)

ESD Staff Briefing Sheet May 2023 (PDF)


Below are several thinking tools to help teaching staff (or students or others) think through how a taught course or other learning activity can include sustainable development issues. The tools were originally piloted and developed in 2018/19 through the ESD Forum project to embed Education for the Sustainable Development Goals in six DMU programmes.

Ten ESD Ingredients (Word); Ten ESD Ingredients (PDF Form)

  • Use these ten prompts to consider how sustainable development themes and competencies are currently linked to a course, and to identify areas of enhancement.

Linking SDGs to a Taught Course

  • Use this thinking tool to consider links between the SDGs and key aspects of a course (assessment; activities and resources; learning outcomes), considering sustainable development as a whole, the 17 SDG themes, and 169 SDG targets

Embedding Sustainability Competencies in a Taught Course

  • Use this tool to consider how a course embeds core competencies for acting on sustainability: Systems Thinking; Futures Thinking; Ethical Literacy; Strategic Thinking; Interpersonal Skills.

Currriculum Audit Tool

  • Used for a student-led audit of programmes and modules at DMU in 2018/19, covering similar issues to the Ten Ingredients tool above but also addressing pedagogic approaches. Based upon an audit tool developed by the National Union of Students.

ESD in Co-curricular Activities (Word); ESD in Co-curricular Activities (PDF form)

  • Use this tool to consider how the ESD Project aims and outcomes are embedded in any co-curricular activity, such as volunteering, student societies, study trips or otherwise

Living Lab approach (Word); Living Lab approach (PDF)

  • Use this tool to consider how to integrate teaching, research and real-world impacts to enhance activities linked to sustainable development

Need help?

Contact us using the form below to schedule an appointment. We are here to help guide you through the process.

Tried them out?

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