Hi! It’s me, Pramita Shakya. I am proud to named myself as one of the Sustainability scholars. I am delighted and felt responsible at the same time when I got selected as a part of renowned DMU Sustainable scholarship. So, I can’t wait to share my journey with upcoming amazing projects with DMU.

Currently, I am a studying M.Sc. Project Management in De Montfort University. I have always been keen to the study of environment sustainability. There have always been the hot issues about the pollution, energy consumption rate. There are many ways to study them; unfortunately, not to work in practical life. So, I would like to be a voice to raise on the topic of “Save Energy, Save Life”. Luckily, I got the opportunity to be a part of Sustainable DMU who runs different projects to make people aware about the ways to be sustainable such as The Daria Project. The Sustainable Development Goals 13 “Climate Action” which focus learner of all levels of an international as well as national platform who should contribute to climate change such as emission of greenhouse gases, and reduction of risk disaster. Moreover, in order to overcome such risk factors, all the people must be responsible to maintain the clean surrounding as well as prompted others to protect the environment.

I named myself as green person as starting of my contribution to sustainability and to prompt my colleague and friends to save electricity and water. Furthermore, to use the concept of reduce, reuse, recycle and repeat resources. As per the Education for the Sustainable Development Goals at De Montfort University are not subject matter on sustainability issues but to develop people critical thinking about the sustainability settings. In addition, to prompt all the sophomore as well as university’s community to motivate and training them and make the place better then yesterday.